Sunday, September 19, 2010

AC/DC and a long distance wake up call

ding dingaling ding, i leapt from my sleep and hit the green button - "it didnt even ring on my end"... i heard the familiar and distant voice say. My darling had called, finally! Relieved to hear his voice as i layed in bed, i closed my eyes & imagined he was beside me, as he is every other sunday morning when i wake... but finally i opened my eyes and faced the cold reality of the day, the cold wet rain drizzling reality... and also the reality that it was actually monday.

i hadnt even heard the kids wake, they sat in the lounge room watching sesame street eating their weetbix which "J.J" had prepared for himself & his adventurous toddler brother, who we call "Bruiser"... and they were quiet... QUIET??? i considered checking their pulses at first... but they were still alive and
amazingly had not both choked on their weetbix and passed out... but they were just quiet and happy. i walked out with the phone on my ear listening to my husbands vague description of Dubai and Texas... but also wondering, have the angels heard my prayers, have they come to silence the children???

the previous 3 days had seen me tearing my hair out and veins popping from my temple, teeth grinding and a sore throat from trying to be heard above these 2 boys, their loud games of driving plastic fisher price toy cars around as fast as possible while squealing, laughing, yelling, fighting and the noise of the toy itself. on the wooden floor. loud screams of POOOOO! FAAART!!!! blaines a poopy head!!!! JAYYY! BLAINE!!! NOOO! SHHHHUUUUTTTT UUUUUUUP! At the age of 7 years old, J.J is a professional at the horrid sounding "Arm fart", the boy has talent i have to say, they sound like the real deal... So for 40 minutes on both days, ARM FARTS invaded the ailes of the IGA and Woolworths, in both Chinchilla and Dalby, hence doing the monthly shop a highly embarrassing torturous event, as old people looked at me and my children in the canned goods aisle, like they were devils from the south and i was a delinquent single mother... you could see them looking at my hands as the rested on the trolley handle...i had forgotten to put my wedding ring back on after i had been cleaning the night before. Disruption rang through our shoe box sized house from morning until night. even meal times were engulfed with the mindless prattling of a toddler with a mouth full of food and unthinkable noises coming from J.J. at lightning speed. Cleaning the house seemed an endless task, beloved Blaine squishing banana's into his canvas fold up chair, yogurt being opened left right and centre, and always making its way to the floor several times a day... I JUST mopped that floor... again!.... sigh.

Laurence and i got a chance to talk for a full hour, and for a full hour no one budged from the lounge, ABC kids had engulfed their attention and i was riding this wave of peace and tranquility for every second i had it. As laurence tried his hardest to describe the other side of the continent, he made a point of telling me he had gone to the small mall in town, which was the biggest shopping centre he had ever been in, and that he was going to visit the bigger one next week. He proceeded to tell me that he bought levi's for $30 a pair, and that everything was fairly cheap retail wise. He had met another australian who pulled up a chair next to him at a cafe.. not like he was inconspicuous...wearing his QLD state of origin jersey ( he forget to mention his new friend was a female until asked... and then he assured me she was in her 50's.... I'm SURE she was!!!!)  But back to the shopping... when he asked me what i wanted from over seas, i said a fridge magnet from wherever he gets out of the plane... and also asked him to get me my (long overdue) eternity ring... to which he said he has seen about 9 jewelerey shops since he got there. BRILLIANT i thought.. he has no excuse NOT to get me that long overdue sentimental piece of metal with white stones! but then i thought...BUGGER!!! he was in what i regard as retail therapy paradise and i was stuck here in farm ville! Literally Farmville... the cow was approaching the front verandah as i sat out there having my 99% fat free sachet style cuppa chino... thank you Mr Moconna! and GO away  "Dinner" (which the grown calf is so lovingly known as and called.)

The woman at the end of the phone advised laurence that his $5 call card time had expired, pretty good for a full hour conversation from the other side of the world and we arranged to speak tomorrow morning and said out i love's and sent spiritual hugs and kisses to each other, hoping the wind would catch the love and blow across the pacific ocean to greet him in the USA.

The morning remained quiet, the children behaved, we paid the bills, and came home. it was 11am by this stage and it had been a blissfully peaceful lovely day, despite the rain. The kids put on the new Astro Boy DVD and sat quietly in their room with the door 3/4 shut.


... sometimes it can be tooo quiet. :)

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